The workshop titled Advising “Chat and Share” – Engaging Questions: Crafting questions to meaningfully engage and connect with students was held successfully via Zoom on June 7, 2023. Over 50 Faculty Academic Advisers (FAAs) and colleagues from various faculties and programmes joined this online workshop.
We had the honor of hosting Mr David S. Lee from the HKU Business School as our guest speaker. David is currently serving as the Deputy Programme Director and Admissions Tutor of the BFin (AMPB) Programme alongside with his Principal Lecturer and Faculty Academic Adviser roles. He is an award-winning teacher with extensive teaching and advising experience. During the workshop, David shared his first-hand experiences and numerous practical advising tips with the FAAs and colleagues, such as how to be an active listener, how to engage shy or reticent students, and some of his guiding principles in doing the advising work. By quoting from Maya Angelou, “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel,”, David encouraged the audience to practise empathy and let our students know that help is always available.
In the Q&A session, Mr. Lee addressed some common concerns and challenges that advisers may encounter in their daily advising work, such as handling situations where a student does not respond to an email and finding the right balance between an advising and coaching approach. We were pleased to see that the audience found the workshop both informative and inspiring, providing valuable insights and tactics for supporting advisees and students.
Check out the video below to revisit the insightful presentation by Mr. David S. Lee.