Find Faculty Academic Adviser (FAA)

First-year undergraduate students will be assigned to a Faculty Academic Adviser or a personal tutor. More details will be given to the first-year students during individual Faculty orientations.

Throughout their university studies, students can check who their Faculty Academic Advisers are via the SIS by the following procedures:

  1. Login to HKU Portal
  2. On “My Page”, click “Student Center” (Navigation: SIS Menu -> Self Services -> Student Center) then “Find your adviser” on the right-hand side (see the screen capture here)

Please check the user manual below:
screen shot for Student User Manual

Find Temporary Academic Advisers (TAA)

Students can find out more about different disciplines by requesting and talking to TAAs who are current teachers assigned to advise students from home and non-home Faculties. Students can request for more than one TAA as necessary. The advising relationship can last for 3 months.

  1. Login to HKU Portal
  2. On “My Page”, click “Request Temporary Adviser” on the left-hand side menu under “Self Services” (see the screen capture here)

*Students who are newly admitted to HKU, including Year 1 students, Direct Admission into Senior Year students and exchange/visiting students, could only start requesting TAA from September.

Find Faculty Student Advisers (FSA)

In addition to teachers, some faculties have assigned peer advising role to senior students who are dedicated to help first year students in adjusting to the university studying and living environment. To check whether your Faculty provides you a FSA:

  1. Login to HKU Portal
  2. On “My Page”, click “Student Center” (Navigation: SIS Menu -> Self Services -> Student Center) then “Find your adviser” on the right-hand side (see the screen capture here). Details of your FSA will be shown if you have one (see the screen capture here).

Information is also available on Faculty websites:

Find Residential Student Advisers (RSA)

For Student/Peer Advisers in Hall or Residential Colleges, please check respective hall websites.

Access the wide student adviser community at HKU:

You can seek advice from student advisers from other Faculties through different channels. Check out the Student Advising Community @ HKU

Academic Advising webpages of Faculty