(For FSAs from the Faculties of Arts, Education, Engineering, Law, Science, and Social Sciences)

Find Your Advisees

You can view your advisees via the SIS by just a few steps:

  • Login to HKU Portal
  • On “My Page”, click “Find your adviser” on the right-hand side (see the screen capture here)
  • Click “View My Advisees” and locate all advisees assigned to you (see the screens capture below).

screenshot of where to click 'View My Advisees' in University-wide Academic Advising

screenshot of where to locate the advisees in University-wide Academic Advising

You can use the system to send bulk emails to your advisees, make record, enter brief notes, report “No-response” advisees and submit report to the Faculty.

Click the checkboxes next to your advisees’ names to perform an action.

* Under the Credit Award Scheme for Out-of-classroom Learning Experiences, Faculty Student Advisers (the Faculties of Arts, Education, Law, Science or Social Sciences) or Residential Student Adviser (Halls or the Lap Chee College) can apply for 1 to 2 credit(s) if you met the service hour and other requirements. You may check with your Faculty / Hall Office for more details.