Due to the adoption of dual learning mode in Semester 1, 2020-21, the University gives all undergraduate students the special assessment option of pass/fail grading for your enrolled courses which, unlike letter-graded courses, will be excluded from GPA calculation. To understand the difference between the two options, you can refer to the table below.
Grade obtained | Counted towards GPA | Earned Credits | |
Letter-graded course | A+ to D | ![]() |
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F | ![]() |
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Course with pass/fail grade | P | ![]() |
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F | ![]() |
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You can also make use of AASO GPA Calculator to estimate your SGPA and CGPA with different option(s). Let’s review the following example which illustrates the different impact on one’s academic record under three scenarios.
Student A is a Year 2 student who has already completed 60 graded credits before the current semester with CGPA 3.0. Student A is going to take 5 letter grade courses in the current semester and he/she expects to get B+ in 4 courses and D in 1 course.
Scenario I (Keeping letter grading for all 5 courses)
Student A chooses to maintain letter grade assessment option for all 5 courses. After inputting the general information and the expected grades of 5 courses in AASO GPA Calculator, Student A will get 2.84 in SGPA and 2.96 in CGPA (as shown below), and he/she will complete 90 credits after the current semester.
Scenario II (Opting for 4 letter graded courses and 1 P/F graded course)
Student A chooses to maintain letter grade assessment option for those 4 courses, which are expected to be B+, and opt pass/fail grade assessment option for the one expected to be D. After inputting the general information and the expected grades of 4 letter grade courses in AASO GPA Calculator, the student will get 3.30 in SGPA and 3.09 in CGPA (as shown below), and he/she will complete 90 credits after the current semester.
Scenario III (Opting for 4 letter graded courses and 1 P/F but fail the course)
Student A chooses to maintain letter grade assessment option for those 4 courses, which are expected to be B+, and opt pass/fail grade assessment option for the one he/she expected not perform well. Student A wants to estimate the SGPA and CGPA if he/she failed the last one. After inputting the general information and the expected grades of 4 letter grade courses in AASO GPA Calculator, the student will get 3.30 in SGPA and 3.09 in CGPA (as shown below), and he/she will complete only 84 credits after the current semester. The student will have to RETAKE the failed course if it is a required course.
You should consider carefully when opting for pass/fail grading. There might be undesirable consequences which put you in a disadvantageous position when applying for competitive opportunities such as academic exchange programmes, scholarships, internships and postgraduate study. Furthermore, you must have six letter-graded Common Core courses to be eligible for the Special Proviso for GGPA. For details, please review “Impact of Pass/Fail Grading Option”, and seek advice from your academic advisers.
- For the details of the calculation of GPA, please refer to the “Regulations for First Degree Curricula”.
- For BEng Year 1 students (2020-21 intake), please refer to the Faculty of Engineering’s email “Revised Programme Selection Criteria for BEng students (2020-21 intake)” on September 8 and seek advice from the Faculty Office if needed.