Academic Planning Sheet
4-year: First-Year Admission
4-year: Senior-Year Admission
4-year: BASc Programmes
5-year: Double Degree Programmes
My Study Abroad Plan
Studying and living in an overseas country will offer unique experiences in many aspects which can complement or even enhance your studying at HKU. Take a good look of this planning sheet and draw up your study abroad plan …
My Internship Plan
Internships offer practical experience to complement classroom learning and enhance development of graduate attributes and skills. Plan well ahead to ensure a smooth and successful integration with your studies …
GPA Calculator
SGPA/ CGPA Calculator: Key in the estimated letter grades for the courses you have enrolled in this semester/ this academic year. The System will then inform you the projected Semester GPA and Cumulative GPA*
Target GPA Calculator: Follow the instructions and enter the information as required. The System will then tell you the grades you need for achieving your desired Cumulative GPA.