When Faculty Advisers identify students with SEN / disabilities (such as physical and sensory disabilities, learning and developmental disabilities, mental illness and chronic medical issues), please refer them to SEN support at CEDARS. This is the one-stop service unit for students with special educational needs (SEN) / disabilities. To overcome barriers and facilitate students to achieve successful university education, SEN Support provides the following services:
- Information on campus facilities
- Learning aids / equipment
- Funding resources
- Employment preparation
- Special examination arrangements
- Volunteer / buddy support
- Study skills coaching
- And more …
Students should complete a registration (with supporting documents) for SEN support. Upon successful registration, they may proceed to make an appointment with the SEN Case Manager. The impact of their disabilities will be reviewed and an individual support plan will be discussed. To arrange alternative ways of registration, please call 3917-8388 or by email at cedars-SEN@hku.hk.