Dear Student, The Ambassador of Academic Advising |
Different Types of Academic Advisers
There are five types of Academic Advisers under the University-wide Academic Advising System. Learn more about our system and choose the appropriate adviser that suits your needs.
Faculty Academic Adviser (FAA) Sign-up Exercise
If you are student of Faculty / School of Architecture, Arts, Business, Engineering, Law, Science and Social Sciences, or student of the Bachelor of Nursing Programme of the Faculty of Medicine You are REQUIRED to sign-up for your Faculty Academic Adviser. Make sure you do the sign-up by the specified deadline. If you are student of Faculty of Dentistry, Education or Medicine (except BNurs Programme) You will be assigned with a Faculty Academic Adviser.
Find My Faculty Academic Adviser
First-year undergraduate students are encouraged to meet with your FAA when you need academic advice. To check who your FAA is, follow the steps here.
Meeting with an AASO Adviser
Apart from your FAA, our AASO advisers are also delighted to advise you on university regulations, study planning, cross-faculty learning opportunities and much more! Click here to make an appointment with us and explore your options.
Student Advising @ HKU
Furthermore, you can find Faculty Student Advisers (FSA), who are senior students from your home faculty, for advice and experience sharing from a student’s perspective. Click here to learn more about FSA. |
Important Academic Dates
Soon you will experience Online Course Selection. Take a look at the schedule and mark it down on your own calendar. Remember to enrol on courses for BOTH Semester 1 and 2 during the Course Selection period in August.
Quick Guide on Course Selection and Enrolment
All course selection and enrolment should be performed in SIS. Study the Quick Guide carefully to get familiar with the system and to avoid any issues while using it.
How to Select my Major and Minor
Some curricula allow students to choose their major, and some have the room for pursing a second major/minor. Do you know what factors should be considered during major/minor selection? Take a look at our tips.
Academic Planning Sheet
A good plan is halfway to success. Use the Planning Sheet to create an overall academic plan for a clearer vision. You can also consider incorporating other learning experiences (e.g. study abroad, internships, research projects) into your plan for personal enrichment.
My Academic Roadmap
For a complete overview, go through the Academic Roadmap outlining the steps to be taken in Year 1 and beyond. Read the stories written by your peers to understand the academic journey for each Year. |
If you need further support, make good use of the following resources! |
Interactive Planning Tools
Discover various tools to help you construct your future academic plan Terminology 101 Learn about the essential terms and phrases commonly used in HKU Beginner’s Guide to University Life Explore this guide for a smooth transition into your university life in HKU! (Campus map included!) Scholarships Check out the scholarship opportunities that are available to you FAQ Find the answers to most commonly asked questions about academic matters Other Study Support Locate the contact information of other offices/units to obtain relevant support |