Every advising method is an opportunity to provide students with academic support and to empower students with available academic options. Timely execution of any of the advising methods is critical to establishing and building an advising relationship. Advisers can choose the advising method that works best for the circumstance:

Individual advising

Individual advising is a one-on-one meeting between the adviser and advisee. It is ideal for discussing specific academic progress and goals of the advisee. Therefore, it is critical to thoroughly review your advisee’s academic records before the appointment. It is equally beneficial for the advisee to come prepared with an academic plan and a list of questions related to his/her overall academic goals.

Group advising

Closely resembles classroom teaching, group advising is a particularly efficient method for delivering information and offering general advice, e.g. advising about major requirements, preparing student for course registration or reviewing core curriculum requirements. The group advising method has several benefits:

  • Community building
  • Ability to connect students with peer group
  • Strong normative influence
  • Establish professional and positive advising relationship
  • Removal of intimidation factor

Click Group Advising Step-by-Step to set up your first group advising meeting.

Group advising step by step:

Although commonly utilized in comprehensive advising strategy, group advising must not completely replace individual advising sessions.

Virtual Advising

Delivery of advising through technology has become common in recent years. Apart from email, advising can be conducted via video-conferencing (E.g. Zoom, Skype), instant messaging (e.g. Whatsapp, Wechat or chat functions on Zoom, Teams) and online instructional systems (e.g. Moodle). An alternative to traditional face-to-face advising, it is particularly helpful for students participating in off-campus academic activities or during online teaching periods.


Donald Woolston and Rebecca Ryan (2007). “Group Advising”. In The New Advisor Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Advising Through the First Year and Beyond, ed. Pat Folsom and Ban Chamberlain (Kansas: National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), 2007), p.119-123.

Jayne Drake, Martha Hemwall and Kathy Stockwell (2009). A Faculty Guide to Academic Advising (National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), 2009).