The workshop “‘Meet and Chat’ for Study Success 2021 – For Direct Admissions Scheme (DAS) Students” was held successfully via ZOOM on 30 July 2021. Almost 230 new HKU entrants across different Faculties and programmes, admitted through the Direct Admissions Scheme to Senior Year Places, joined this virtual welcoming session in delight and excitement.
During the workshop, Prof. Gray Kochhar-Lindgren, Director of the Common Core Office, Ms Iris Ip, Programme Manager of the International Affairs Office, Professor Samson Tse, Dean of Student Affairs, Ms Rebecca Tam, Science Librarian and Learning Services Coordinator of the Libraries and Ms Rachel Hong, Acting Head of the AASO, shared with participants the steps to learning and growing in HKU so that they could make the most of their university journey.
A wide spectrum of popular topics was covered in the workshop, such as skills essential to navigate university study, essence of Common Core courses, planning of study abroad options and student support services of CEDARS and the Libraries. Nine concurrent breakout online ZOOM sessions, led by 25 passionate senior DAS students, came after the presentation by University units. Considering the uniqueness of different programmes, participants could join the one which was hosted by the seniors of their own programme. As reflected in the evaluation survey, many new DAS students found the sharing of their seniors remarkably useful and practical. Their first-hand experience had given the new entrants a more solid grasp of their academic plans and university life. For many DAS students, as they told AASO, this workshop has become one of their “Must-Join” activities.