With the release of Semester one result, it is a good time to review the academic performance with your advisees to foster their learning experience for the coming semester. For students who experienced difficulties in particular, your guidance is important to help them cope better with their studies. It would be easy to identify them by taking a quick glance of their GPA in your advisee roster in SIS.
For Advisees Who Might Face Possible Discontinuation: AASO’s Interactive Tools on Advising “At-Risk” Students
In the more serious cases where your advisees face possible discontinuation, their problems may be more complicated and specific advice during different stages of their review process are critical. This is all the more important for those students who are evasive of their problems due to personal issues or emotional distress. With the support of the Committee of Discontinuation and CEDARS-CoPE, AASO has produced a special interactive tool for FAAs with relevant information, options and important questions to discuss with your advisees.

For Advisees Who Seek Advice in Academic Planning
You may direct them to the AASO Academic Roadmap where year-by-year guidance are given at each stop.

You are welcome to contact us if you need information or assistance. Thank you for your support.
Academic Advising and Scholarships Office