Do you crave to be one of the 1,200 HKU students who gain memorable international learning experiences through exchange every year?
Last year Song Ting joined the HKU Worldwide Student Exchange Programme (HKUWW) and was awarded the HKU-Notre Dame Scholarship to study in the U.S. for a semester. The scholarship was established by Dr Christopher Cheng, a dedicated supporter of HKU and an alumnus of The University of Notre Dame.
“Not only did I work hard on my academic work at Notre Dame, I also treasured every opportunity to immerse myself in American culture and get to know their way of thinking. I met many great friends from all over the world whom I learnt a lot from”, Song Ting shared.
“The Notre Dame football team has a long history and is nicknamed the ‘Fighting Irish’. I watched one of their games with my hall mates at the Notre Dame Stadium on campus and was overwhelmed by the audience’s passion for sports!”
The scholarships for HKUWW are also supported by donations from alumni and friends through the HKU Foundation and other named scholarship funds.
Successful applicants of the HKUWW with a minimum CPGA of 3.0 are eligible to apply. Interested students can check with the Office of International Student Exchange for more details.
October 2013